My productivity decreased the last week or so. Part of it was Rebeka's visit... not her fault but I didn't work that weekend. The next week she left on tuesday, then there was the election, so I've been reading the news a bit too much.
Last week I've did some reading on graphical models (lda in particular) and I watched this lecture . I started programming a fuzzy logic tool/library in perl. I made some progress and I got a object oriented framework going, but I kind of let it slip in the past couple of days. I also started looking at hmm's for the emotion text classification (using DAL features). At first I started programming hmm's in perl, but then I decided to go back to htk and use that. The whole thing with continuous density hmms seem to be a lot to implement if it's not necessary. Trying to implement them was interesting b/c I didn't study the details last time I read the htk book.
I wasted some time backing up the tball data on the snap server, but now that I figured out how to use it it will be convenient having it mounted under linux. Also I wasted some time getting my earphones working (usb w/ linux and alsa)
This coming week will be busy. I'm hoping to volunteer at the Obama campaign b/c I'm getting nervous. Besides that I also have a lot on my plate to finish:
- hmm study: get htk to estimate the hmm params for the iemocap text w/ dal features
- latent dirichlet allocation: find a took kit and apply it to the iemocap text w/ pure text features
- program fuzzy logic tool kit in perl. Ideally I can get a type-1 version ready by the end of the week.
- program a gui for emotional interaction.
It's a lot to do but I need to get back on track for the dissertation proposal.
I wasted a bunch of time trying to figure how to write the htk parameter files from perl. After a lot of playing around with pack/unpack I finally figured it out
$out = pack "NNnn", $nSamples, $sampPeriod, $sampSize, $parmKind;
Where N/n is network order (big endian) long/short. For writing the data vector,
$out .= reverse pack "f*", map {@{$_}} @{$self->{currentDocument}->{observationSequence}};