Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday, 17 November 2008

I got the HMM w/ DAL features working. Actually it uses GMM's (Single state hmms) with a bigram language model. It gets about 30% accuracy with 9 emotional categories. I need to try
  • using different categories,
  • using more mixtures, and
  • also seeing if I can use higher order n-grams.

I switched to testing out latent dirichlet allocation for now. To get that working, I need to
  • normalize the text,
  • convert the text vocabulary items to integers
  • encode the text in each document (here, utterances) as the counts of each vocabulary item (represented as integers).
  • figure out the lda software
last week I improved slightly improved my productivity except one day I didn't do any research due to Ema experiments. I'm averaging ~6.5 hours of research time, if I don't include the day that I didn't work. Including that day puts me to only about 5 hrs per day on average.

Now that I 'm using my bike instead of my car, I'm going to have to adapt a little.

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