Thursday, October 16, 2008

Thursday, 17 October 2008

Today I spent most my research time on doing a lit review and writing an abstract of my proposal (a proposal for the proposal, kind of). For the lit review I have my results in a google note:

I mainly looked for emotion widgets, human computer interaction and gui journals. I found an interesting patent from microsoft. Also there was a good article about next gen user interfaces by Jakob Neilsen. I was also looking for good journals to publish in.

For the abstract I wanted to get a short document about what I'm going to propose. I used the outline and I've been iterating between a short document and an outline.

Todo: I need to get a longer document and start writing some journal papers (eg, one for the FL framework and another for the gui framework). I also need to start programming the kind of interfaces that I'm proposing. Look into sphinx and look back into clam.

As far as time goes, I worked about 7.32 hours of uninterrupted work. That includes some wasted time when I was looking back into the psp method of keeping track of time. I'm keeping track of my time, but right now I'm not really keeping other stats (eg. lines of code, defects, # of pages written/read)

For fun stuff, I talked to my mom about politics (not really fun, but nice talking to my mom), and I went for a long walk to go grocery shopping, a little in several stores in my neighborhood.

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