Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Monday, 20 October 2008

I spent a lovely 3 hours at the LA Metropolitan Courthouse. I got a ticket for registration last spring, registered my car, but then I forgot that I had to show up in court. So for that, I got to pay $200 and waste 3 hours. There was some collections agency calling me trying to get $800+ but they seemed sketchy, so I opted to get another court date instead of paying. They didn't tell me it would be $600 less, so I guess that is worth 3 hours of my time.

Besides that, I mainly worked on my starting a draft for a user interface paper (~4hrs), preparing a list of sessions and papers from interspeech that would be of interest to the emotion group (1.5 hrs), and working on IEMOCAP text analysis (~4hrs).

For the interface paper what I still need to do is incorporate some discussion of fuzzy logic, and then actually create the interface that I 'm proposing.

For the IEMOCAP text work, I was looking at how much of the corpus is covered by the dictionary of affect. It looks good but there is more preprocessing I can do to bring the coverage up.

TODO: create interface, discuss fuzzy logic in the interface paper, improve preprocessing for IEMOCAP (maybe make it a subclass of a more general routine)

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