Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Mainly I was working on the IEMOCAP text analysis. I made some various plots to visualize the DAL features (min, max, and avg for activation, valence, and possibly imagery). I realized that the oov approach I was taking was not good for several reasons. For one, the average (neutral?) value for activation was lower than the midpoint, so using the midpoint as a default actually skews the data. Secondly, in the future I'd like to predict unknown values from text. Having it use a default should be done explicitly, and separately from assigning the values for known vocabulary.

In the morning, I read a little bit from the algebra book about subgroups. There was part toward the end of the section that I didn't understand well, so I'll have to go back and look at it again.

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